Investor’s Delight is meant for investors who look for companies across all sectors which are fundamentally very sound and can provide great returns for investors having a Long Term horizon. At Ajcon we believe in bottom fishing stocks that witness irrational price movements, due to temporary economic triggers which are potential multibaggers. Selection of stocks is done through analysis of fundamentals like promoters quality, scalable business model, earnings visibility and ability to generate cashflows consistently. In addition, we also recommend “SELL” in stocks where we believe the valuations are stretched and out of comfort zone with fundamentals not justifying it, poor earnings visibility, corporate governance issues and pledged promoter shareholding that can have an impact in poor secondary market conditions.
Investor’s Delight
Investor’s Delight | Download |
Year 2024 | |
Container Corporation of India Ltd | |
Bank of Maharashtra Q2FY25 | |
Samvat 2081 - Diwali picks 2024-2025 | |
Bank of Maharashtra Q1FY25 | |
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Bank of Maharashtra Q4FY24 Result | |
KPIT Technologies Limited Q4FY24 Result | |
Bank of Maharashtra Q3FY24 Result | |
KPIT Technologies Limited - Feb 15, 2024 -Q3FY24 Result Update | |
KPIT Technologies Limited - Feb 10, 2024 - Initiating Coverage | |
Interim Budget of February 2024 | |
Year 2023 | |
Samvat 2080 - Diwali picks 2023-2024 | |
Bank of Maharashtra - Nov. 29, 2023 | |
Refex Industries Limited - Aug. 22, 2023 | |
Bank of Maharashtra - Aug. 18, 2023 | |
UGRO Capital Limited - Aug. 14, 2023 | |
Refex Industries Limited - May 30, 2023 | |
UGRO Capital Limited - May 26, 2023 | |
Bank of Maharashtra - May 17, 2023 | |
Refex Industries Limited - Feb. 23, 2023 | |
Bank of Maharashtra - Feb. 18, 2023 | |
UGRO Capital Limited - Feb. 14, 2023 | |
Year 2022 | |
Bank of Maharashtra - Dec. 01, 2022 | |
UGRO Capital Limited - Nov. 18, 2022 | |
Samvat 2079 - Diwali picks 2022-2023 | |
UGRO Capital Limited - May 28, 2022 | |
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - April 18, 2022 | |
Dwarikesh Sugar Industries Limited - March 10, 2022 | |
Ajanta Pharma Limited - March 08, 2022 | |
New year pick 2022 - Jan 05, 2022 | |
Year 2021 | |
Samvat 2078 - Diwali picks 2021-2022 | |
UGRO Capital Limited - Oct.19, 2021 | |
S H Kelkar And Company Limited - Sep. 12, 2021 | |
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited (GSK Pharma) - Aug. 20, 2021 | |
HDFC Life Insurance Company (HDFC Life) - Aug. 02, 2021 | |
Bharat Bijlee Limited - July 15, 2021 | |
Orient Electric Limited - July 01, 2021 | |
Monthly Newsletter -June 02, 2021 | |
Cipla Limited - May 04, 2021 | |
Gujarat Gas Limited & Mahanagar Gas Limited - April 01, 2021 | |
Industrial and Prudential Investment Company -Jan. 05, 2021 | |
Year 2020 | |
Bharat Electronics Limited - Dec. 08, 2020 | |
Cochin Shipyard Limited - Dec 29, 2020 | |
Samvat 2077 - Diwali picks 2020-2021 | |
Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL) - Oct. 17, 2020 | |
Bharti Airtel Limited - July 30, 2020 | |
J.B. Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited -Feb 29, 2020 | |
Tech Mahindra Ltd. - Jan. 03, 2020 | |
Year 2019 | |
Samavat - Diwali Picks 2019 – 2020 | |
Cummins India Ltd. - Sep. 16, 2019 | |
Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. - Sep. 12, 2019 | |
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. - Sep. 12, 2019 | |
Bank of Baroda Ltd. - Sep. 13, 2019 | |
GAIL (India) Ltd. – “Accumulate” - Sep. 18, 2019 | |
Alkem Laboratories Ltd. - June 28, 2019 | |
Bank of Baroda - June 07, 2019 | |
L&T Finance Holdings - April 10, 2019 | |
Punjab National Bank Ltd. - March.18, 2019 | |
Minda Corporation Ltd. - March 05, 2019 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities Feb.18, 2019 | |
GAIL India Ltd. - Feb.18, 2019 | |
State Bank of India Ltd. - Feb.02, 2019 | |
Year 2018 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities - Dec. 12, 2018 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities - 03Dec., 2018 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities - Nov. 20, 2018 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities - Nov. 17, 2018 | |
Analyst meet update: Camlin Fine Sciences Ltd. - Nov. 16, 2018 | |
Analyst meet update: Karur Vysya Bank - Nov. 16, 2018 | |
Equity markets and top Diwali picks for Samvat 2075 -Nov. 05, 2018 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities - Sep. 24, 2018 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities.. - Sep. 01, 2018 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities.. - July 28, 2018 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities after NDA defeating no–confidence motion.. - July 21, 2018 | |
Top picks and view on equities when FIIs were on selling spree in debt markets… - July 14, 2018 | |
Gayatri Projects Ltd. (GPL) “Robust play in Road EPC sector” - 19th April, 2018 | |
Shalby Research Report | |
Year 2017 | |
Diwali picks for Samvat – 2074 | |
Top picks and view on Indian equities during Q1FY19 earnings season.. | |
Year 2016 | |
Diwali Blockbuster – IDEAS | |
Sangam India Ltd. – SIL Q3FY17 - 20 Feb., 2017 | |
Sangam India Ltd. – SIL Q2FY17 - 30 Nov., 2016 | |
Sangam India Ltd. – SIL Q1FY17 - 24 Aug, 2016 | |
SIL – Important Event Alert -19 Feb., 2016 | |
Gayatri Projects Ltd. - 23 Oct., 2015 | |
GPL -Q4FY17 Financial Performance - 5 Oct. 2015 | |
GPL -Q4FY17 Financial Performance - 23 Oct. 2015 |
“NR” stands for Not-Rated
“Reco.” Recommedation
* indicates view post correction, buy at CMP & accumulate on dips
- Research Analyst or his/her relative’s or Ajcon Global Services Limited financial interest in the subject company(ies): Yes
- Research Analyst or his/her relative or Ajcon Global Services Limited actual/beneficial ownership of 1% or more securities of the subject company (ies) at the end of the month immediately preceding the date of publication of this research report : No
- Research Analyst or his/her relative or Ajcon Global Services Limited has any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of the research report : No
- Research Analyst has served as an officer, director or employee of the subject company(ies): No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has received any compensation from the subject company in the past twelve months: No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has received any compensation for investment banking, or merchant banking, or brokerage services from the subject company in the past twelve months: No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has received any compensation for products or services other than investment banking, or merchant banking, or brokerage services from the subject company in the past twelve months: No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has received any compensation or other benefits from the subject company or third party in connection with the research report: No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has managed or co-managed public offering of securities for the subject company in the past twelve months: No
- Research Analyst or Ajcon Global Services Limited has been engaged in market making activity for the subject company(ies): No
Recommendation parameters for fundamental research reports
Buy – Absolute return of 20% and above
Accumulate – Absolute return between 15% and above
Book profits: On achieving the price target given in the research report for a particular Company or on a occurrence of a specific event leading to change in fundamentals of the Company recommended
Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing.
Ajcon Global Services Limited is engaged in stock broking, currency broking, investment banking, merchant banking, corporate advisory.
Ajcon Global Services Limited is a SEBI registered Research Analyst entity bearing registration Number INH000001170 under SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014.
Individuals employed as research analyst by Ajcon Global Services Limited or their associates are not allowed to deal or trade in securities that the research analyst recommends within thirty days before and within five days after the publication of a research report as prescribed under SEBI Research Analyst Regulations.
Subject to the restrictions mentioned in above paragraph, We and our affliates, officers, directors, employees and their relative may: (a) from time to time, have long or short positions acting as a principal in, and buy or sell the securities or derivatives thereof, of Company mentioned herein or (b) be engaged in any other transaction involving such securities and earn brokerage.
Ajcon Global Services Limited research analysts responsible for the preparation of the research report may interact with trading desk personnel, sales personnel and other parties for gathering, applying and interpreting information.
Ajcon Global Services Limited or its associates may have commercial transactions with the Company mentioned in the research report with respect to advisory services.
The information and opinions in this report have been prepared by Ajcon Global Services Limited and are subject to change without any notice. The report and information contained herein is strictly confidential and meant solely for the selected recipient and may not be altered in any way, transmitted to, copied or distributed, in part or in whole, to any other person or to the media or reproduced in any form, without prior written consent of Ajcon Global Services Limited While we would endeavour to update the information herein on a reasonable basis, Ajcon Global Services Limited is under no obligation to update or keep the information current. Also, there may be regulatory, compliance or other reasons that may prevent Ajcon Global Services Limited from doing so. This report is based on information obtained from public sources and sources believed to be reliable, but no independent verification has been made nor is its accuracy or completeness guaranteed. This report and information herein is solely for informational purpose and shall not be used or considered as an offer document or solicitation of offer to buy or sell or subscribe for securities or other financial instruments. Though disseminated to all the customers simultaneously, not all customers may receive this report at the same time. Ajcon Global Services Limited will not treat recipients as customers by virtue of their receiving this report. Nothing in this report constitutes investment, legal, accounting and tax advice or a representation that any investment or strategy is suitable or appropriate to your specific circumstances. The securities discussed and opinions expressed in this report may not be suitable for all investors, who must make their own investment decisions, based on their own investment objectives, financial positions and needs of specific recipient. This may not be taken in substitution for the exercise of independent judgment by any recipient. The recipient should independently evaluate the investment risks. The value and return on investment may vary because of changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates or any other reason. Ajcon Global Services Limited accepts no liabilities whatsoever for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of this report. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Investors are advised to see Risk Disclosure Document to understand the risks associated before investing in the securities markets. Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in projections. Forward-looking statements are not predictions and may be subject to change without notice. Ajcon Global Services Limited or its associates might have managed or co-managed public offering of securities for the subject company or might have been mandated by the subject company for any other assignment in the past twelve months.
Ajcon Global Services Limited encourages independence in research report preparation and strives to minimize conflict in preparation of research report. Ajcon Global Services Limited or its analysts did not receive any compensation or other benefits from the companies mentioned in the report or third party in connection with preparation of the research report. Accordingly, neither Ajcon Global Services Limited nor Research Analysts have any material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this report.
It is confirmed that Aadesh Gosalia (Financial Markets) or any other Research Analysts of this report has not received any compensation from the company mentioned in the report in the preceding twelve months. Compensation of our Research Analysts is not based on any specific merchant banking, investment banking or brokerage service transactions.
Ajcon Global Services Limited or its subsidiaries collectively or Directors including their relatives, Research Analysts, do not own 1% or more of the equity securities of the Company mentioned in the report as of the last day of the month preceding the publication of the research report.
It is confirmed that Aadesh Gosalia (Financial Markets) research analyst or any other Research Analysts of Ajcon Global do not serve as an officer, director or employee of the companies mentioned in the report.
Ajcon Global Services Limited may have issued other reports that are inconsistent with and reach different conclusion from the information presented in this report.
Neither the Research Analysts nor Ajcon Global Services Limited have been engaged in market making activity for the companies mentioned in the report.
We submit that no material disciplinary action has been taken on Ajcon Global Services Limited by any Regulatory Authority impacting Equity Research Analysis activities.
Analyst Certification
I, Aadesh Gosalia (Financial Markets), research analyst, author and the names subscribed to this report, hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect our views about the subject issuer(s) or securities. I also certify that no part of compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation(s) or view (s) in this report.
- Research Analyst or his/her relative’s or Ajcon Global Services Limited financial interest in the subject company(ies): No
- Research Analyst or his/her relative or Ajcon Global Services Limited actual/beneficial ownership of 1% or more securities of the subject company (ies) at the end of the month immediately preceding the date of publication of this Research note / video : No
- Research Analyst or his/her relative or Ajcon Global Services Limited has any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of the Research note / video : No
- Research Analyst has served as an officer, director or employee of the subject company(ies): No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has received any compensation from the subject company in the past twelve months: No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has received any compensation for investment banking, or merchant banking, or brokerage services from the subject company in the past twelve months: No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has received any compensation for products or services other than investment banking, or merchant banking, or brokerage services from the subject company in the past twelve months: No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has received any compensation or other benefits from the subject company or third party in connection with the research video: No
- Ajcon Global Services Limited has managed or co-managed public offering of securities for the subject company in the past twelve months: No
- Research Analyst or Ajcon Global Services Limited has been engaged in market making activity for the subject company(ies): No
Recommendation parameters for fundamental research reports and videos:
Buy – Absolute return of 20% and above
Accumulate – Absolute return between 15% and above
Book profits: On achieving the price target given in the research report for a particular Company or on a occurrence of a specific event leading to change in fundamentals of the Company recommended
Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing.
Ajcon Global Services Limited is engaged in stock broking, currency broking, investment banking, merchant banking, corporate advisory.
Ajcon Global Services Limited is a SEBI registered Research Analyst entity bearing registration Number INH000001170 under SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014.
Individuals employed as research analyst by Ajcon Global Services Limited or their associates are not allowed to deal or trade in securities that the research analyst recommends within thirty days before and within five days after the publication of a research report as prescribed under SEBI Research Analyst Regulations.
Subject to the restrictions mentioned in above paragraph, We and our affliates, officers, directors, employees and their relative may: (a) from time to time, have long or short positions acting as a principal in, and buy or sell the securities or derivatives thereof, of Company mentioned herein or (b) be engaged in any other transaction involving such securities and earn brokerage.
Ajcon Global Services Limited research analysts responsible for the preparation of the research report may interact with trading desk personnel, sales personnel and other parties for gathering, applying and interpreting information.
Ajcon Global Services Limited or its associates may have commercial transactions with the Company mentioned in the research report with respect to advisory services.
The information and opinions in this report have been prepared by Ajcon Global Services Limited and are subject to change without any notice. The report and information contained herein is strictly confidential and meant solely for the selected recipient and may not be altered in any way, transmitted to, copied or distributed, in part or in whole, to any other person or to the media or reproduced in any form, without prior written consent of Ajcon Global Services Limited While we would endeavour to update the information herein on a reasonable basis, Ajcon Global Services Limited is under no obligation to update or keep the information current. Also, there may be regulatory, compliance or other reasons that may prevent Ajcon Global Services Limited from doing so. This report is based on information obtained from public sources and sources believed to be reliable, but no independent verification has been made nor is its accuracy or completeness guaranteed. This report and information herein is solely for informational purpose and shall not be used or considered as an offer document or solicitation of offer to buy or sell or subscribe for securities or other financial instruments. Though disseminated to all the customers simultaneously, not all customers may receive this report at the same time. Ajcon Global Services Limited will not treat recipients as customers by virtue of their receiving this report. Nothing in this report constitutes investment, legal, accounting and tax advice or a representation that any investment or strategy is suitable or appropriate to your specific circumstances. The securities discussed and opinions expressed in this report may not be suitable for all investors, who must make their own investment decisions, based on their own investment objectives, financial positions and needs of specific recipient. This may not be taken in substitution for the exercise of independent judgment by any recipient. The recipient should independently evaluate the investment risks. The value and return on investment may vary because of changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates or any other reason. Ajcon Global Services Limited accepts no liabilities whatsoever for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of this report. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Investors are advised to see Risk Disclosure Document to understand the risks associated before investing in the securities markets. Actual results may differ materially from those set forth in projections. Forward-looking statements are not predictions and may be subject to change without notice. Ajcon Global Services Limited or its associates might have managed or co-managed public offering of securities for the subject company or might have been mandated by the subject company for any other assignment in the past twelve months.
Ajcon Global Services Limited encourages independence in research report preparation and strives to minimize conflict in preparation of research report. Ajcon Global Services Limited or its analysts did not receive any compensation or other benefits from the companies mentioned in the report or third party in connection with preparation of the research report. Accordingly, neither Ajcon Global Services Limited nor Research Analysts have any material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this report.
It is confirmed that Aadesh Gosalia (Financial Markets) or any other Research Analysts of this report has not received any compensation from the company mentioned in the report in the preceding twelve months. Compensation of our Research Analysts is not based on any specific merchant banking, investment banking or brokerage service transactions.
Ajcon Global Services Limited or its subsidiaries collectively or Directors including their relatives, Research Analysts, do not own 1% or more of the equity securities of the Company mentioned in the report as of the last day of the month preceding the publication of the research report.
It is confirmed that Aadesh Gosalia (Financial Markets) research analyst or any other Research Analysts of Ajcon Global do not serve as an officer, director or employee of the companies mentioned in the report.
Ajcon Global Services Limited may have issued other reports that are inconsistent with and reach different conclusion from the information presented in this report.
Neither the Research Analysts nor Ajcon Global Services Limited have been engaged in market making activity for the companies mentioned in the report.
We submit that no material disciplinary action has been taken on Ajcon Global Services Limited by any Regulatory Authority impacting Equity Research Analysis activities.
Analyst Certification
I, Aadesh Gosalia (Financial Markets), research analyst, author and the names subscribed to this report, hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect our views about the subject issuer(s) or securities. I also certify that no part of compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation(s) or view (s) in this report.